This preeminent cyber resilience event takes a “whole community” approach, bringing together the private and public sectors, owners and operators, cybersecurity experts, students, and community members to network and train together to defend our infrastructure from ever-evolving cyber threats. The event is hosted by the University of Oregon and Lane Community College on the UO’s Eugene campus, in partnership with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Oregon TITAN Fusion Center (OTFC), as part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
About the Summit
Cyber threats represent some of the most significant challenges to national security, our economic systems, and our basic way of life. Cyber risks affect all sectors: critical infrastructure, power and energy, banking, higher education, and many more. The interconnectedness of all sectors of our community causes cyber incidents in one area to affect the whole community. Consequently, to successfully defend our way of life, it is paramount that we work together to defend our cyber world.
This year we are pleased to announce that Cisco will be conducting a cyber-threat hunting workshop “Cisco Advanced Threats Security” for students and practitioners to get hands on training and experience in tracking down cyber threats. This workshop will be Monday October 28 and enrollment is limited. We encourage those interested to register soon as this event will fill up quickly (we met capacity in 2018).
Event Overview
Day 1: Cyber Threat Hunting Workshop — new for 2019!
- Date: Monday, Oct. 28
- Time: 8:30am-4:30pm
- Location: Lane Community College
Day 2: Main Oregon Cyber Resilience Summit
- Date: Tuesday, Oct. 29
- Time: 8:30am-5:30pm
- Location: University of Oregon
Who Should Attend
- Cybersecurity, IT, and audit leaders, including CISOs, CIOs, CTOs, CAEs, directors, managers, and supervisors
- Cybersecurity, IT, and IT audit professionals from all 16 critical infrastructure sectors
- Emergency response leaders and professionals
- University and community college students, faculty, and staff
- Leaders and professionals from public and private industries with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and industrial control systems (ICS)
- Attorneys dealing in cyber law and cyber response
Please register separately for each day:
Day 1: Cyber Threat Hunting Workshop (Monday 10/28)
- Registration is now closed.
- Free. Space is limited to the first 80 participants. College students will be given priority.
Day 2: Main Oregon Cyber Resilience Summit (Tuesday 10/29)
- Registration is still open! Registration by Monday, Oct. 21, is highly recommended but not required.
- Free to all UO and LCC students, faculty, and staff.
- $30 per person otherwise.
Click here to register for the 2019 Cyber Security Summit
Both days will include lunch. Continuing professional education (CPE) credits are available.
Program for Oct. 29
Day 2 of this year’s Oregon Cyber Resilience Summit (Tuesday 10/29) will feature three tracks:
- Track 1: Cyber Physical: Security in the “Internet of Things” (IoT), including threats targeting individuals and institutions. Threats and vulnerabilities affecting the power grid and other critical infrastructure and industries.
- Track 2: Technical: Technical insights into well-known attacks and how they were carried out or how the culprits were caught. Includes topics such as malware defense and introduction to the dark web.
- Track 3: General Security Awareness: Overview of threats such as social engineering, malware, ransomware, sexploitation, and data harvesters. Basic tools for everyone to protect themselves.
Detailed Agenda
Subject to change.
- 8:30am-9:00am: Registration
- 9:00am-9:10am: Welcome
- Leo Howell, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), University of Oregon
- Chass Jones, Protective Security Advisor, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, DHS
- 9:10am-9:30am: Opening Remarks
- Patrick Phillips, Provost and Senior Vice President, University of Oregon
- Brief presentation by Enabling Technologies
- 9:30am-10:15am: Keynote Address
- “Operation Cyber Wellness: The Whole 360 Approach to Cyber, Healthcare, and Beyond” — Jothi Dugar, CISO, National Institutes of Health Center for Information Technology
- 10:15am-10:30: Networking Session
- 10:30am-11:15am: Breakout Session 1
- Track 1 (Redwood Auditorium): Cyber Physical: “IoT Security: Challenges and Solutions” = Xu Zou, VP, IOT Security, Palo Alto Networks, Former CEO & co-founder at Zingbox
- Track 2 (Crater Lake Rooms): Technical: “Empowering Executives with Security Evidence” — Mark Bagley, Vice President of Products, Verodin
- Track 3 (Ballroom): General Security Awareness: “DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Advisor Resources” Chass Jones, Protective Security Advisor with Theresa Massey, Security Advisor Region X – DHS-Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
- 11:15am-11:30am: Networking Session
- 11:30am-12:15pm: Breakout Session 2
- Track 1 (Redwood Auditorium): Cyber Physical: “Critical Infrastructure: The Hype, Reality and Opportunity in Industrial Security” — Jon Stanford, Director of Cyber Security, Cisco Public Sector
- Track 2 (Crater Lake Rooms): Technical: “Scary Cyber Tales from Higher Education: Airing our Dirty Laundry” — Cybersecurity professionals from the University of Oregon, Oregon State University, and Oregon Health & Science University will share tales of responding to a major security incident
- Track 3 (Ballroom): General Security Awareness: “The Cyber Workforce Shortage” — John Jacobs, Vice President of Systems Engineering, Fortinet
- 12:15pm-1:15pm: Lunch
- Brief Presentation by Structured
- Panel Discussion (Ballroom)
- Jessie Minton, Vice Provost for Information Services and Chief Information Officer (CIO), University of Oregon
- Gary Johnson, CISO, State of Oregon
- Don Easton, Faculty Instructor, Computer Information Technology, Lane Community College
- John Jacobs, Vice President of Systems Engineering, Fortinet
- Bill Schuetz, CIO, Lane Community College
- Jacqueline Pitter, Chief Information Security Officer / Senior Infrastructure Administrator, Reed College
- 1:15pm-1:30pm: Networking Session
- 1:30pm-2:15pm: Breakout Session 3
- Track 1 (Redwood Auditorium): Cyber Physical: “IoT Landscape, Attack Strategies, and Business Challenges” — Brandon Bowlin, Director of Cybersecurity, Enabling Technologies
- Track 2 (Crater Lake Rooms): Technical: “RDP Weakness in Critical Infrastructure” — Rick Osgood, Consultant and Penetration Tester, Coalfire
- Track 3 (Ballroom): General Security Awareness: Joint FBI and DHS Briefing: “Cyber Attacks and Threat Vectors”
- Gabe Gundersen, Supervisor Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Speaker TBA, Department of Homeland Security
- 2:15pm-3:00pm: Breakout Session 4
- Track 1 (Redwood Auditorium): Cyber Physical: Current Threat Landscape as seen by Proofpoint” – Daniel Howerton, Senior Threat Analyst, Proofpoint
- Track 2 (Crater Lake Rooms): Technical: “Malware Defense and Cyber Security Threat Intelligence” – Aaron Payne, Enterprise Solutions Architect at FireEye.
- Track 3 (Ballroom): General Security Awareness: “National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)’s Awareness Briefing on Russian Activity Against Critical Infrastructure” — Jacqueline Morgan, DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Cyber Mission Center
- 3:00pm-3:15pm: Networking Session
- Brief presentation by Fortinet
- 3:15pm-4:00pm (Ballroom): Keynote Address
- Scott Buchanan, Chief for Operational Planning and Readiness (Acting) and Deputy Director, National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC)
- 4:00pm-5:30pm (Gerlinger Hall, 2nd floor): Networking Reception hosted by Fortinet
Platinum Sponsor
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The University of Oregon is a proud champion of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2018.