Oregon Cyber Resilience Summit

Cyber Security in an AI World
Nate Balmain Photo
Southern Oregon University
Computer Science & Security Student
Adversaries in the Middle, the Cat and Mouse Game Between Security Professionals and Attackers

Nate is a current student at Southern Oregon University  (SOU), studying Computer Science and Security.  

Nate is interested in computer security and the implications that it holds for both the world at large and the individual user. Currently he is the student manager of SOU’s Cyber Security Research Lab and enjoys researching various aspects of cyber security and programming. He has researched Attacking Image Classification Neural Networks, WIFI security including utilization of Evil-Twin APs such as the WIFI Pineapple, various vulnerability sandbox environments, and buffer overflow vulnerabilities using a custom GDB extension that he created. He hopes that others will use this program to help their knowledge of the program stack.