Caprice is an Account Technology Strategist for Microsoft Education, managing Higher Education, K-12, Academic Medical Centers, and Research Institutions in the Pacific Northwest. Caprice has been with Microsoft for 18 months. Before joining Microsoft Caprice worked 29 years at the University of Utah. At the University of Utah, Caprice started as a system administrator and held multiple leadership roles. Caprice has extensive and wide-ranging professional IT experience in Higher Education and Healthcare. From her experience working directly with the diverse constituencies within the University community, Caprice has a strong understanding of higher education workflow, processes, and the organizational culture. Caprice’s previous positions at the University of Utah & Hospital and Clinics include Director of Unified Communications, Associate Director of IT Architecture and Associate Director of Enterprise Systems and Infrastructure.
Caprice splits her time between Seattle, WA and Murray, UT. She is married and has two daughters, 5 dogs and 30 chickens. Caprice loves animals and spending time volunteering on the soccer pitch & in the deaf community, tending her beehives and reading.