Turning the Tables – How to Make Cybercriminals as Miserable as They’ve Made Us

Keynote: Ryan Kalember, Executive Vice President, Cybersecurity Strategy
Room: Ballroom, EMU 244, Level 2
Time: 03:30p – 04:15p

Universities worldwide are being faced with multistage attacks such as BEC, ransomware, and data theft, that happen with the same basic steps in the same sequence. It’s been a decade since defenders began referring to this as the attack chain, but the attacks continue to successful with the same tactics, from social engineering to phishing to privilege abuse. So how do we finally turn the tables on adversaries, and take away what they depend on to be successful?

Join this keynote as Ryan Kalember discusses:

  • How much attackers rely on human, and not technical vulnerability
  • The tools and tactics attackers rely on most
  • The art and science of preventing small compromises from becoming big incidents