Pivoting Is Easy When You Are Prepared – A State and Local Cybersecurity Success Story

Presenter: Tina Thorstenson – VP Executive Public Sector Strategist, CrowdStrike
Room: Crater Lake Room, EMU 145, Level 1
Presentation: Slide deck pdf
Time: 10:30a – 11:00a

Protecting organizations from modern attacks and techniques requires modern solutions and innovative programs. Keeping adversaries away and your organization safe takes many teams, tools, and technology. As we continue to see more organizations adopting long-term remote workforce plans, there’s been a paradigm shift in how we view and manage enterprise risks, specifically when it comes to cybersecurity, and identity and access management. In this session, hear how Tina Thorstenson advises organizations to navigate these shifts with a holistic program. By adopting enterprise multi factor and comprehensive modern capabilities leveraging CrowdStrike’s advanced cloud-native platform Come learn how you can protect your organization and your community with enhanced visibility and swift response and resolution. Together, we stop breaches.